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  1. Home
  2. About financing
  3. Preliminary funding plan

Preliminary funding plan

The Preliminary Funding Plan for Research, Development and Innovation aims to ensure predictable planning of calls and grant schemes, as well as the use of funds, so that applicants can prepare for each call.

The preliminary plan is being developed in cooperation with funders. Updates or changes to the plan are foreseen only when necessary. The Preliminary Plan is intended to contribute to increasing the interest of researchers and companies in participating in calls and thus to improving the quality of the projects supported. 

The funding of individual calls is in line with the National Strategy for Research, Development and Innovation 2030 (in slovak), the relevant analysis of impacts on the public administration budget and the approved public administration budget for 2024 – 2026. 

The preliminary plann is approved by the Government Council for Science, Technology and Innovation. The Office of the Government of the Slovak Republic strategically and methodically coordinates the development of policies in the field of financing, management and evaluation of support for research, development and innovation and the preparation of the preliminary financing plan for the three following calendar years.

Starting points for drawing up the preliminary plan

The starting points for the formulation of the objectives and the establishment of the preliminary plan are in particular:

Areas of support

In the framework of the preparation of the Preliminary Plan, taking into account the objectives of the National Strategy, the individual calls are grouped into the following areas of support:

  • developing human resources in research and development and promoting talent,
  • developing research infrastructure,
  • promoting international cooperation and involvement in Horizon Europe,
  • promoting cross-sectoral cooperation,
  • support for excellent research,
  • support for applied research and innovation
  • coordination and support activities.
By 2030, Slovakia plans to achieve the following strategic goals: 
  • move up 10 places in the European Innovation Scoreboard; 
  • increase private spending on research and development to 1.2% of GDP from 0.5% of GDP today;
  • will invest at least 2% of GDP in research and development.

Developing human resources in research and development and promoting talent

Calls aimed at attracting new talent to research, development and innovation in Slovakia. From mobilising domestic talent, to developing domestic talent, to attracting talented scientists from abroad.

Developing research infrastructure

Calls for the development, maintenance and use of research infrastructure as a prerequisite for excellence in scientific research.

Promoting international cooperation and involvement in Horizon Europe

Calls to promote international cooperation and participation in international grant schemes, in particular Horizon Europe. Thanks to the experience and cooperation with foreign countries, the quality of research of domestic institutions is promoted.

Promoting cross-sectoral cooperation

In particular, emphasis is placed on increasing the socio-economic impact of research and maximising spillover effects. For example, through collaboration between academic research institutes and practitioners.

Support for excellent research

Slovakia needs quality research and breakthrough innovations. The key is to support cutting-edge research, especially in the field of basic research.

Support for applied research and innovation

Innovations that can translate into practice. The aim is to encourage the uptake of innovation based on research and development. It is these that are associated with the greatest risk of failure and are therefore supported through grants.

Coordination and support activities.

The impact of the other calls on the outcome indicators of the National Strategy for Research, Development and Innovation is strengthened through the support of soft activities. For example, by supporting activities that increase connectivity, awareness, communication, networking, learning and sharing of experiences in research, development and innovation.

National projects

Name Implementer Source of funding Amount of grant Year of beginning Year of completion
Národná infraštruktúra otvorenej vedy CVTI EFRR 16,3 mil. € 2024 2029
Zvýšenie inovačnej výkonnosti slovenskej ekonomiky 2 SIEA EFRR 16,8 mil. € 2024 2028
Otvorená výskumná infraštruktúra SAV EFRR 12,14 mil. €  2024 2028
NP STRATUM CVTI EFRR, ŠR 20 mil. € 2024 2029
Partnerstvá a Programy Horizont Európa MŠVVaM EFRR 30 mil. € 2024 2029
Podpora účasti SR v Európskom výskumnom priestore 2 CVTI EFRR 8,74 mil. €
2024 2029
Národný informačný systém podpory výskumu a vývoja CVTI EFRR 51, 568 mil. €
2024 2029
Obnova a rozvoj dátového centra a informačných systémov CVTI SR CVTI EFRR 20 mil. € 2024 2029
Podpora internacionalizácie MSP 2 SARIO EFRR 12,687 mil. € 2024 2028
Horizontálna podpora malého a stredného podnikania SBA EFRR 5 mil. € 2024 2025